I’m bored. I’m not one of those people that can just sit and do nothing….my mind is always racing & I’m always doing something. As I write this, my husband is napping in a lounge chair enjoying the Florida breeze. I’m sitting in the chair going crazy with nothing to do!
One of the reasons I had such an unbelievable time at Disney World is because for once my mind stopped racing…I was 100% relaxed, not worried about anything AND I was only focused on what I was doing right then and there. Just wandering around with my mind completely turned off.
I think one of the reasons I’m soo creative is because I’m constantly thinking. But, I really want to bring that sense of relaxation into my sewing room. Maybe I should start by working on only one project at a time, truly focusing on each step and only each step as I sew that step. And not thinking 2 steps ahead, or 3 projects ahead.
One of the ways I’m trying bring relaxation into my sewing room, is by making it less hectic. I want my shelves to be organized and everything to be neat. Which is why I’m in the process of putting in cabinets – to hide the clutter! I recently transferred all of my fabric stash from plastic bins, and put it into a gorgeous vintage china cabinet with glass doors. When I walk into the room and see my fabric with one glance… I smile. Every time.
Does anyone else have any ideas for calming…or slowing down…bringing relaxation into the creative process? If so please share!
Hugs – Kat :)